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What is your kid going to do after high school? Is he or she going to take a Gap Year to explore the world? If so they may want to take a listen to this podcast and learn about Adventure EXP. AdventureEXP hosts destination work programs that help young people, ages 18-24, travel to exciting locations and empower them to work to offset the cost of their travel. Our programs are centered around young people developing independent life skills on a structured and guided experience with organized learning outcomes. Our free student travel program offers paid experiences that make meaningful travel affordable, tangible and credible. Through our extensive program locations, our travelers travel and thrive! 

Adam Salzman has worked in educational programming for over nine years, involved in everything from study abroad to recruiting international students for global internships and now supporting American students on destination work programs through AdventureEXP. Adam is passionate about meaningful travel, especially with young people, and believes it lays the foundation for a joyful life of purpose and belonging. His own journey started in China during a gap year of studying and interning throughout the country. Since then, Adam has been fortunate to travel to many other parts of the world with purpose and help hundreds of young people do the same.





The Gap Year Association 


#youngadultstravels #gapyeartravel #gapyear #adventureexp #afterhighschooltravel #destinationworkplace #destinationworkprogram #adamsalzman #ginagrothoff #dongrothoff #focusedhealthyfamily

Check out this episode!

Gina and Donald

Gina - Occupational Therapist, Writer, Child-Led Learning Coach, and Senior Living Advisor Donald - Speaker, EFT Practitioner, Mindset Coach and Senior Living Advisor One might think with all those qualifications and the fact Donald and Gina are the proud parents of three children who are now 25, 21, and 14 that they were prepared for any parenting challenges But along with the joys and challenges of everyday parenting, the Grothoff family has experienced issues with mental illness, extreme personality and behavior changes in their children and aging parents needing caregiving which has thrown them for a loop. These challenges have led them down non-traditional paths of life, learning and following passions. Gina and Don are now passionate about helping other families, especially those stuck in the Sandwich Generation, find their way. Gina and Don share their life journey and experiences with an emphasis on parenting our children, our parents and ourselves on their podcast https://focusedhealthyfamilyblog.com/ Donald and Gina believe and teach that communication and emotional stability in a family, especially for parents sandwiched between raising their kids and caring for aging parents, are key to a healthy, happy family.