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We thought with the new year approaching that there would be resolutions set up, goals established and dreams set for the new year. Well, that should include taking care of yourself and Rita offers simple ways to do just that. So happy new year and happy new you.
Because her personal journey has been filled with the challenges of infertility, adoption, family death, and chronic health issues, she is no stranger to the detrimental effects of stress. Based on her own health struggles plus 36 years of healthcare experience, she has developed her self-care philosophy and the steps to obtain a better quality of health using simple self-care.
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#self-care #simpleself-care #selfcare #simpleselfcarebyrita #ritagarnto #exercise #activitiesforhealth #takingcareofyourself #helpingyourself #exerciseplan #workoutplan #dongrothoff #ginagrothoff #donaldgrothoff #focusedhealthyfamily #parenting #parents