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Diane Smyers – Donor Relations Coordinator – This is her story and why we wanted to talk to her. Join us as she tells some stories and gives us her perspective of Foster Care and C.A.S.A.

I bring a unique dynamic to the C.A.S.A. (Court Appointed Special Advocate) team. I’ve been in foster care. I’ve experienced the despair many of our youth face daily. I’ve been a part of the bleak statistics our foster youth encompass. 

I’ve also been blessed to have had a CASA appointed to me at a critical time in my life. She (Virginia) made a pivotal, life-changing difference in my life, my self-esteem, and helped me see I was not defined by the labels imposed upon me by a broken system. She was that one consistent person who wasn’t paid to care about me. She was a light in a dark time in my life. 

She taught me, generational abuse can stop – by one victim choosing to stand up, use their voice saying, “It ends with me!” She taught me about moving forward and Changing lives-starting with my own. She taught me life skills, reinforced my work ethic, boundaries in any relationship, budgeting, and finding community resources available. Her impact is endless. She was the first adult with whom I felt heard. The lessons Virginia taught over 30 yrs. ago, resonate today. She continues to be a trusted friend today. 

It is my goal to recruit and train future CASA’s to change lives. One. Youth. At. A Time.

This is what a C.A.S.A. / G.A.L. does



Mailing Address
PO Box 519
Rialto, CA 92377
Administration Offices
1027 Santo Antonio Drive
Suite A
Colton, CA. 92324

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Check out this episode!

Gina and Donald

Gina - Occupational Therapist, Writer, Child-Led Learning Coach, and Senior Living Advisor Donald - Speaker, EFT Practitioner, Mindset Coach and Senior Living Advisor One might think with all those qualifications and the fact Donald and Gina are the proud parents of three children who are now 25, 21, and 14 that they were prepared for any parenting challenges But along with the joys and challenges of everyday parenting, the Grothoff family has experienced issues with mental illness, extreme personality and behavior changes in their children and aging parents needing caregiving which has thrown them for a loop. These challenges have led them down non-traditional paths of life, learning and following passions. Gina and Don are now passionate about helping other families, especially those stuck in the Sandwich Generation, find their way. Gina and Don share their life journey and experiences with an emphasis on parenting our children, our parents and ourselves on their podcast https://focusedhealthyfamilyblog.com/ Donald and Gina believe and teach that communication and emotional stability in a family, especially for parents sandwiched between raising their kids and caring for aging parents, are key to a healthy, happy family.